Lux Lucet in Tenebris - Light Shines in Darkness

This is the official website of LLT Productions, Inc. We produce films and videos on a variety of religious and historical topics. Our website offers background information relating to our productions so that viewers can dig deeper into the subjects we cover. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization supported by donations and the sale of products in our online store.

Our Signature Productions

Which day is the Christian Sabbath? Sunday? Or is it Saturday? Did Jesus authorize the change of the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first day? Did His disciples do it? When did it happen?
In this five-part series host Hal Holbrook takes viewers back across the centuries to uncover the documented history of the Sabbath.
The Seventh Day illuminates the heroic struggle for religious liberty, fought through long centuries of repression. It raises new questions about the rhythm of life here in the 21st century – and beyond.

Religious Liberty and Minority Rights were threatened by an international movement to reform the calendar. Caught up in the conflict were a few Jewish and Protestant dissenters who recognized that calendar reform would strike directly at the religious observance of all who maintain a weekly day of worship.
The Wandering Day spotlights the clash of ideas about minority rights, freedom of conscience, and religious liberty.